What would you say if someone came along and stuck a camera in your face and said.. “What is your dream?”
That is what happened to me when I met Edward Elliot in person. He took me in that instance into a world of possibilities and reality all in the same moment.
I’ve reflected on what I told him that day. Maybe I should have been bolder and said a billion or a million. Maybe I should have been more specific with what I would teach or what these people would learn. No, I stand by what I said that day. Anything else would limit the possibilities. Here it is:
Since then you and I have been busy. Maybe you didn’t notice the beginnings of this self-directed learning community in the Order of Profitable Producers. Maybe you don’t see it now in Do What You Love For Your Living. It is there. Each of these projects are potential community efforts but entry begins with a specific end results in mind for the learners who enter.
Today, we are building that community of learners.  Learners who want to learn to master directing their own learning by doing. This dream is only a dream come true with YOU!  We have added to the dream  synergyquest.us. SynergyQuest.us provides a place for us to all learn from learning and from life.
This last week I had the good privilege of connecting again with “The GREAT Edward Elliot” on The Teach Jim Show.  It was great to thank him for that day and the way it caused something I’d thought about for years to come spilling out.
It was a delight to clarify how he helps people see their dreams and put into place their action plan for getting it done.  Some of the stories he shares are inspiring.  Moreover they give hope to dreamers like you and I the world over.
I hope you will take a few minutes to enjoy Edward Elliot on The Teach Jim Show.  It may just inspire you to take on your dreams and make them a reality.

Thanks Edward for the camera in the face!  It was good for me!
Sometimes the things that make us most uncomfortable reveal to us the truths deep inside.  I hope you each will consider dreaming a little more.  Day Dreaming just might not be such a bad thing…

Teach Jim