Personal & Business Development  ABC’s

Where Are you? …ask yourself probing questions until it is clear you understand where you really are. What have you GOT?
Where do you want to Be?  …follow up with more demanding questions to clarify and solidify your WHY! What do you WANT?

What will be your Course of Action? What do you NEED to DO?

  • Solid 4×4 Core Commitment
    • I am here
    • Developing Personally
    • Plugged-in
    • Working Consistently
  • Strong Start (first phase 30 – 90 days)*
  • Sustained Service (Phase 2 usually 90 days – 180 days or more)*
  • Strategic Leadership (Maturing phase more than 180 days)*

* Days are just suggestions.  Actual progression through the phases depends on personal development and business development.