English: Team workWe are always striving to strengthen our team and build team momentum as we work together.  For the most part our teams find it fulfilling to work together! For now, in our effort to improve we have landed on three ways to build team momentum, strengthen each individual and keep each other engaged on critical activities.  I’m just not sure it is enough. What is your experience?

First: Engaging Interactions

Weekly we engage in a Master Mind Group.  The teams move through 7 weeks of business building activities.  Each week there is listening and understanding as each person shares goals set and met.  When goals are not yet met where is brainstorming on how to overcome and blow through the barriers.
Sometimes these interactions are filled with laughter, smiling and winking.  Sometimes they even sound like a business meeting.  Keeping the flow and the fun is the balance we seek.  How does your team support one another weekly?

Second: Exacting Activities for Proven Results

Like many of you we have an exacting list of activities we know will help a person develop the work habits they need and land them in the  success side of business building.  We are using a shared Google spreadsheet to help us each record our activity and see our progress.  Where successes come all on the team know what is happening.  Where failure jumps our and grabs us all on the team are there to pull each member through.

Third: Activity Transparency

Some times a list of detail like this seems like a little much but it is clear exactly what is expected and how each person is doing against that standard. This kind of transparency is often seen as a threat.  Most of the time it takes a bit to get comfortable with the other team members being “in your face’.  While most of the time the accountability is gentle and full of understanding there still a level of discomfort.  This, for some, adds motivation and drive. For others it drives them away. What are you finding?  Is this the kind of tool your team is using?  How is it helping? Hurting?
Here is a glance at the simple spreadsheet where we coordinate our activity sharing.  Do you have something like this?

 Please share your  comments about what is working for you.  Thank you.  We can all learn so much from each other!

Other Ways to Build Team Momentum

When I work with my teams I really enjoy seeing how they come together and gel.  Just tonight I was members stepping up with their talents and skills to assist others.    While our group is full of different people with a variety of skills each has so much to contribute.  Just as you see in your groups there are a wide variety of ways to connect with individuals and build team momentum.  What works for one may be the turn off for others.
For now we are moving forward with these three simple actions.  We hope it will be just the right mix.  What tips would give a group seeking to build team  momentum around a common cause?
Teach Jim Strengthen The Feeble Knees
Do you  Build Team Momentum with the KLT Factor? I bet you do!