Reflections on a Conversation I had with My Son yesterday…

Everything changes.  Yes, EVERYTHING CHANGES when you start with your root cause for living.  What  is our root purpose? What is the cause that gets you going?
Crazy but we reflected we each landed on the on same quote we have each heard independent of each other in the last week. It is titled “Our Greatest Fear” by Marianne Williamson.  Take a minute. Read and ponder it’s power for you!

 Our Greatest Fear —Marianne Williamson

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others.

—Marianne Williamson

Here is what came to us this morning:

Because…. we know each other’s ultimate potential …

We know each other… we are, all of us …

Extraordinary and Ordinary

Powerful and Inadequate

Blessed and Humbled

Exceptional and Undeveloped

Amazing and Challenged

Beautiful and Unsure

Special and Stressed

Joyful and Overwhelmed

Because of the pull of these realities of our lives we, all of us are…

Growing into our next life cycle. 

We are growing into our next career…

… our next relationship…

… our next business…

… our next phase or  stage in life.

Everyone of us is…

Discovering & Developing our own “Distinct Destiny”!

Have you ever asked why people do what they do?  Ask yourself. Why are you reading this post? Why will you comment?  There is something strong in the hope and the blessing of knowing you are of worth. You have a purpose and cause greater than yourself.  Thankfully you are one of those people who recognize your extraordinary potential and meaning in your likely “ordinary” life.  Great to have you here.
Here is how it works when you start with “why”.  (Many of the ideas I share here are congruent with the quality teachings of  Simon Sinek’s book, Start With Why.)

Starting With Why Changes the Way We Experience life.This link to Start With Why is an Amazon affiliate link. Yes I'd earn a little by sharing this with you if you buy it.  It is a great book.

This one book has effected my son and I profoundly.  The idea of inspiring the world by serving with all you are opens a world of possibilities.  It is so much more than profits or products.  It has everything to do with who you and I are.  It is our potential.

My Why? We are all discovering & developing our “Distinct Destiny”. We have never done that before so we all are “new” at mastering who we are and what we will contribute.  We all will make unique stumbles and we all will need to be nurtured, listened to, supported in this process.

You are on a delightful journey.  I can’t wait to hear your story. I love to cheering you on!  Will you cheer for me too?  I’ll need it I’m sure!

How Will I Do It? By embracing the experiences of life and finding love and encouragement in our engaging interactions.  We will develop ourselves. Personally, I love to render service and help where I can. I find a sense of  satisfaction and hope for my next career, business and phase of life as I see others succeed.

What Are You Doing as You Grow Yourself into Your Next Life Cycle?

Life cycles are all around us in nature.  They start and end.  Often where we find an end we experience a start.  As our youngest daughter left home a few months back we officially entered into the “Empty Nest” phase of our lives.  What is the next “Life Cycle” for you?  Family?  Take a trip?  Build a Business? Grow a garden? Change Jobs?  Advance your education? Career? Get Out of Debt? Expand your connections? So what is your next “Life Cycle”?

Whatever it is you will do next I’m sure you will experience growth as a person and as a professional.  You may grow your career or your business or both.  Either way there are lots of things we can do to support one another in that growth.
Please hurry back to see ways we can help…
Develop Your Distinct Destiny - Grow yourself into your next career and business

Here are a few of the topics you’ll find here to help in the process.

1. Grow YOURSELF into Your Next Life Cycle.

Personal Development (Per Dev)

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Social
  • Spiritual

2. Grow Your Great Career into Your Next Life Cycle

Career Development (Job Dev)

  • Learn to Leverage what you know and the learning of others
  • Provide sound solutions
  • Contribute to worthy causes

3. Grow Your Great Business into Your Next Life Cycle

Business Development (Bus Dev)

  • Teach the world about your contribution
  • Engage, Educate and Edify your customers… They’ll Love it!

4. Grow YOURSELF into the Professional in Your Next Life Cycle!

Professional Development (Pro Dev)

  • Achieving excellence
  • Building Authentic Authority
  • Engaging in selfless service. Give Back!

I look forward to seeing of your progress in this process.  Let’s stay connected as we cycle through our next stage.
Best of success,
Teach Jim Strengthen The Feeble Knees
Thanks for your comments and shares… See you are the giving type.   So kind!