There is an evolution on how people think about starting businesses.  Gone are the huge business plans.  Instead the Business Model has become the preferred way to create a “business plan”.  Businesses plans are now drawn out on a Business Model Canvas.  Not familiar with the Business Model Canvas?  Take a look:

BMO intro

I was recently introduced to the “Lean” Business Model Canvas.  It has a little different approach to “planning” your business by drawing it out on a canvas.  Thus began my dilemma.

Today I sat between two business model canvas worksheets.  One was, what I call the “Original” Business Model Canvas.  The other is the Lean Business Model Canvas.  They both had the same shape.  From a distance you could not tell them apart.  They are different.  Should it matter?  Some on my team think it matters so we came up with our own progressive path to business development.
Each canvas has ways it can be improved.  I asked two business owners what they see as the key steps to getting a business going and what order they should happen. Here is what they determined.  It is fascinating how what they have is a complete blend of the principles and key elements found on both the “Original” canvas and the lean canvas.
Whiteboard notes of our discussion (Note the board shows 12 with Unfair Advantage off to the side – now #5):
ELP Advisory-page-11
Here are the Lucky 13 Steps these business leaders suggested in the order of implementation :
1 Problem
2 Customer
3 Solutions
4 Unique Value Proposition
5 Unfair Advantage
6 Revenue
7 Cost
8 Key Partners
9 Key Resources
10 Activities
11 Metrics
12 Channel
13 Relationship
Many items on the list are  dealt with in the same conversation. They are really opposite sides of the same coin.
I hope this list helps you make the next step to getting closer to your goals in your business.
Whether you use this list of one of the business model canvas tools out there be sure to embrace all you need to know.  If you follow the business model canvas you are well on your way to verifying your business idea can become a success.
Best of Success,
Teach Jim Strengthen The Feeble Knees
PS – Just watched a presentation showing the Lean Canvas as a TACTICAL tool while Business Model Canvas as a STRATEGIC tool.
PSS – The presentation suggested they each belong in different places in the process of building a business. Lean Canvas at the beginning and the Original as you strive to stabilize into sustainable  practices where resources and activities allow the business to grow.