So where is the best place to get the help we need when we get stuck? As self-directed learners we often have the confidence and power to push through challenges before us.
In this episode of The Teach Jim Show we discover 6 emerging self-directed learners who discovered the help they needed in unexpected circumstances. In this show we discuss what we can do when we get stuck and the ways to reach out to people and resources beyond ourselves.
You and I have know we can learn from mentors, coaches, consultants, teachers and experts but do you or I know when to seek which kind of learning leader? In this radio show we reveal the kinds of help you get from each type of individual. Will this be the key to your next break through? I certainly hope you will gain the kind of knowledge which will help YOU direct your own learning and the type of resources / people you ask to assist you the next time you get “stuck”!
Enjoy the Show!
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