Makeover Mixer

Sometimes you just need  a makeover.  Maybe you have seen the shows like Extreme Home Makeover or Biggest Loser.  They each have that moment where the “makeover” is complete.  Improvements made and life changed.  Our family is inspired by the hope these moments mean for us. We decided to assemble a few of us to create a “makeover mixer” to create a makeover moments for all attending.  Listen for your makeover moment! (Or schedule your own at
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Noteworth – Note Taking Tips

Effective note taking can make or break your day.  Whether it is capturing a phone number or the name of a referral small bits of timely information can make the difference in short term activities.  Effective note taking can make the difference in your career or your company.  Applying the learning you gained in the last class, course or conference you attended may make the difference over the long haul.  So what is the most effective way to capture notes and get them into your life?  Listen and enjoy the answer.
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Use Context as Your Clue!

Context gives your activities focus and intensity. If you are focused on the wrong thing your productivity decreases and your likelihood of success too. Getting your mind and energy into the correct context will save the day. Context for choosing the optimal reading strategy is the focus of this call. Enjoy!
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Schedule Time for You!

Scheduling “Nap Time” or “Down Time” may be the most important thing you do today to increase your productivity.  Inspired by “The Importance of  Scheduling Nothing” by Jeff Weiner, CEO Linkedin and conversations with some fellow entrepreneurs.  So when is your “Nap” scheduled today? (BTW: We really do learn everything we need in Kindergarten…)
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