Entrepreneurial Education Your Next Career ?

When I founded The Order of Profitable Producers I was working with partners seeking perpetual profits. It was not always that way. Maybe you can relate. Change is challenging, even when perpetual profits are in play.  Entrepreneurial Education opened the flood gates for personal, professional and social change for our team. Will you be changed by Entrepreneurial Education?

“Your Distinct Destiny!”

You and I are significant. We lead lives of consequence. As we overlook our weaknesses and build on our strengths we, you and I, make life better for those we serve. As we each realize the significance of your life we grasp our uniqueness.  We come to know that each of us are able to initiate significant changes in our lives and the systems around us.
I find joy and satisfaction helping individuals grow personally and professionally as we work together developing and discovering our own “Distinct Destiny”.  I can hardly wait to see where your next career and business will take you! I can assure you of one thing.  YOU are now developing your “Distinct Destiny!” Why not share the journey?
So you ask, “What does Teach Jim do?” Oh, I …. enable earning with Entrepreneurial Education!  Once you realize you are now growing yourself into the next “BEST” version of you,  you’ll have a hard time letting small challenges slow your progress.  You are growing toward YOUR destiny.  I encourage you toward the destination that is uniquely yours with Entrepreneurial Education (the way successful entrepreneurs and business owners learn).

Formal vs Informal Learning.  The Results are in!

Formal education is a great starting place but it just is not enough to handle the challenges of continual change. No wonder so many of us are stuck. Sorting out possibilities in an ever changing world is not something they taught us in school. I worked in the school system and know it is far from perfect.

Informal learning took over my career! In my life, self-directed learning, empowered no less than four career changes. IT WAS NOT WHAT I LEARNED IN SCHOOL that got me these career advancements. It was not what I learned in school that opened up my ability to earn income from tools, technologies and training that did not exist when I was finishing my formal education.

It is official! Career Paths Meander!

I heard it at the Utah State Office of Education.  “Go to school, get good grades and get a good job” is a myth.  It is not true anymore.  The careers of tomorrow are not the careers of yesterday.  Today and tomorrow’s career and business success belong to those adjusting to change as it happens.  This is a bit disturbing. You may be asking “What happened to my career plan?” Life is very different today.  So what is it? Sink or swim?

Don’t Drown!

I’ve seen it a dozen times as the dreams of a successful online businesses sputtered and coughed under the waves of information, the pressure to purchase yet another course and the constant call for quick answer “sure” systems.

I’m sick at what I witnessed and began to count my blessings. Why was I so fortunate?

Somehow, I found my way to solid ground and solutions that produced results. How could I help others overcome the unresolved issues left over by their formal schooling? Moreover, how do we, you and I, help ourselves and the people we care about get over the pains of  a drowning in the sea of overwhelming information?

Our “We Inc. (wink) We Inc.”  Interactives provides a safety net for significant personal growth and service.

The Strategies Work!

My marketing and business owner friends learn informally most of the time. They learned most of what they use daily outside of courses and classrooms. They learned by doing.  So can you! We all are applying the same specific strategies.  We are engaged in leveraging our learning into significant success stories. We direct learning activities that promote personal  growth and development.
The solutions we provide are what people willingly pay me for. I offer the learning solutions help my clients smile and even laugh at the sea of information trying to overwhelm them. They now, like a duck, enjoy “Water off their back!”
I hope you will consider breaking the bonds of your formal education by participating in We Inc. interactives.  See for yourself how we support each other as we each “Develop Your Distinct Destiny and Grow Yourself Into YOUR Next Career and Business”.
Don’t thing about elephants… Wink instead!

Teach Jim
       Speak with you soon.